
Studio by night

Working late. Camilla has put up these cosy lamps (I beilve she bought them here), suddenly things feels more festive. Middle pic, calender by Ulicam.


Faces we met along the way


Working late

The studio is looking pretty messy for the moment. Growing in items and work to do. It´s a good thing we have people (and a dog) around that helping us out :)


Studio Violet

Studio Violet has a blog, a site and a web-shop. We have done a few products together - 2 posters, a 4-pack of "One project journals" and a 6-pack of postcards.


Studio Violet is packing

Thank you all of you that is making us pack! We are absolutely overwhelmed. And right now we are having a happy packing time :)


Hip hip Hurrah!!

Today Studio Violet is celebrating, not only is our website up and running - we have started a shop! Please take a look (and if you see anything strange, anything you think we should change, please let us know).

Studio Violet shop


Thank you sweet and clever Liivia for beautiful cards and good luck
wishes, you made our day :)


Photo session

Elisabeth is jumping around all over the studio with here camera in front of her face. I sit in the sofa, drink coffee, patting the dog. Yin and yang, right?

I just have to tell you, we are launching a web-shop next week!!


Upstairs - downstairs

Today we're waiting for our package to arrive from the printer.


Studio pink

Here is another sneak peek of what we are working on.


Life on a thread

Working working playing. What could this be? We don´t know yet, but something for S. V.


Looking for photo locations

Between rainstorms we were out looking for good photo locations. We took the easy and short way to the sea. Kallbadhus - (coldbathhouse) outdoor swimming "hall", do I need to say it was closed...

I promise this will be the last one (for a while at least), but we just have to say thank you for all your comments and posts about Studio Violet, we are overwhelmed and very happy :)


On my way to the studio..

...my new old shoes feels tighter than when I bought them a couple of days ago (didn't manage to save one single bun from the yearly cinnamon bun day yesterday for Camilla, even my feets feels swollen), and it´s raining so I guess I have to change.

We're so glad that you've find your way here folks, and thank you for mentioning us on your blogs, most appreciated!



Launching very soon. Stomach butterflies...



We were up early early (for being us) this morning to go the printer. Camilla was so tired that she couldn´t find the way, and I wasn´t any help (I never find the way). When we finally made it, we had an exciting time!

Welcome to Studio Violet

Welcome to Studio Violet.
This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.