Between rainstorms we were out looking for good photo locations. We took the easy and short way to the sea. Kallbadhus - (coldbathhouse) outdoor swimming "hall", do I need to say it was closed...
I promise this will be the last one (for a while at least), but we just have to say thank you for all your comments and posts about Studio Violet, we are overwhelmed and very happy :)
Gorgeous photos of beautiful locations...
Best wishes for your Studio Violet project!
lovely photos. seems like a beautiful place :) i've been checking out your blog on a regular bases but to be honest this is my firts comment. well there is always a first time. good luck :)
Jag är också overwhelmed, men lite orolig; hur ska ni hinna med allt! Glad att få ta del, lycka till!!
Lovely photos and locations. I'm very excited about your new venture. I will be checking in often. Thank you!
gillar att coldbathhouse är en så snitsig direktöversättning som är så rätt! snyggt. helt i min smak.! så fina bilder. man känner höstrugget och klara friska luften!
have it good! (inte lika rätt, men ändå) :)
Oh soooooooo adorable shoes ! And the photos have gorgeous atmosphere, makes me homesick (I'm originally from Finland...)
Delighted to discover your blog ; sorry mine's in Finnish and French but I also have a trilingual moblog :
pligaa.vox.com =)
love your blog! will check in regularly! discovered you through abigail percy
you two together are so good :)
i am loving studio violet's blog, can't wait to see what else you're cooking there.
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