What's happening at the circus, you might wonder. A baby elephant is born! The parents (the ones in this print) and the rest of the circus are very happy and proud. They have already started the circus-elephant-training with the little one. Anything else, yes, some of the crue is talking about starting a band. We'll see what happens with that. But other than that they are still resting from all the fuzz and travelling. They send their regards.
Har figurerna några namn eller är de odöpta?
Hm, nu gav du mej en idé :)
För dom lever i synd och är inte döpta, det är hemskt men sant.
Ja vi lever ju förvisso i ett sekulariserat land, men traditionen att få ett namn är ju trevlig :)
I love your circus set! The colors are beautiful and the idea of the baby elephant? I love it.
love this drawing a lot!
hah! soo terrific! cutie!
Awww....I love baby elephants.
This elephant is brilliant - I'm sue he's alive but keeping still!
The elephant is very sweet=)
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bonbon’s vintage
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