I sure am happy to be here again! Camilla had painted walls and decorated our place so nice :) + I got these cute dolls as a present (she claimed they had my name on). Puss puss Camilla ♡
(Thank you for sweet comments on my goodbye-for a while-post :)
Welcome back! And wow...i want to go there as well! Your photo's are beautiful! Thank you!
And there's no better place than home...with such a wonderful friend!
Have a good christmas and wish you both all the best for 2009
Welcome back, Elisabeth, to your oh! so inviting studio space. And, what a hive of creative industry and cleverness you are, Camilla.
Here's to more continued greatness in 2009!
Welcome back,Elisabeth!
I wish you a merry Christmas and happy new year!!!
Hope you have a nice holidays with your family!
Best Wishes
Hei Camilla og Elisabeth,
Jeg er så glad!!!...fordi jeg har fått posteren Katta i julegave! Jippi!
Ville bare dere skulle vite det :)
Julehilsen fra Jeanette
Un blog magnifique avec de très belles photos!
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